FAQs Freezers

1- Cooling system
2- Color
3- Size
4- Temperature control system

1. Horizontal Freezer
2. Vertical Freezer

• 3 Drawers
• 4 Drawers
• 5 Drawers
• 6 Drawers
• 7 Drawers
• 8 Drawers
• Without Drawers

The idea of the work of electric
refrigerators in the old days was based on refrigeration through the work of a
certain cycle of Freon gas, and it resulted in residues in the form of ice that
remain accumulated in the freezer in particular.

• It is the usual type of
refrigerator that has been in our homes for a long time, which we have always
complained of the difficulty of cleaning and smallness of the capacity, and
because of the gathering of ice permanently and dense, it is difficult and takes time to get rid of this ice, and the more we succeed to save space quickly the ice forms again.

With the great developments in the field of electrical appliances, it has been possible to make significant changes in the technology of the refrigerator cooling process, now there is no need to leave the waste behind the cooling process, because all the waste can now be disposed
of by the refrigerator self-disposal which means the absence of ice.


2. Silver

3. Stainless Steel

1. Digital Screen

2. Manual from inside the freezer

The following colors shows the energy rating:

1- Green: Best rating in saving electricity.

2- Red: The worst rating in saving electricity.

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