FAQs Air Purifier

1. Capacity

2. Number of filters and types

3. Control method

It is an electrical device that reduces indoor air pollution, as the device contains a range of filters.

1. Help breathe better

Families usually have smokers, as well as
pets, which leads to the spread of bad smells and annoying things in the home.


2. Reduce all pollutants in the air

This device limits polluted air, which the
vacuum cleaner cannot remove.


3- Helps people with diseases

Diseases such as: asthma, allergies and any
other respiratory problem. Air purifier also helps to reduce various odors,
dust, smoke, animal dander, and almost all polluted air in the air, without
which the house becomes a place to collect dust and germs, thus spreading
various health problems in it.

In meters, the area covered by the air purifier ranges from 12-40 meters.

The air passes on more than one stage of different filters of different types so that you can purify the air from the impurities in it and allow only the pure air particles to pass through these filters until you inhale clean air free of impurities and pathogens, and contains air purifier on a fan to pull air before entering the filters and take it out after passing through these filters.

The difference that full inverter saves energy much more than the inverter.

1. UV filter

These filters are based on air purification
and killing of germs and microbes in the air using uv rays for sterilization in
hospitals and medical devices.

Of course, in these days we are better off
relying on such filters because they are able to reduce harmful viruses, you
may need to replace the filter once a year or more depending on usage.

2. Carbon air filtration filters


These filters are mainly based on the process
of purifying the air from odors, smoke and vapors harmful using carbon that
absorbs odors, these filters are very suitable as mobile devices for those with
problems and sensitivity with different odors or for those working in places
that do not offer designated smoking spaces.


3. Ionic filters

These filters rely on air purification, dust
and lint removal, allergens and various contaminants by passing an electrical
current charge into the air that separates air components from the rest of the

Air Purifier: Rotates air in the room through a range of
air filters that remove respiratory allergens and asthma to make air purity
higher for better breathing,


Humidifier: heat
the water that contains in the tank of humidifier this will out steam with humidity the air in the room.

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